Unique Game of Thrones Gift Voucher Experiences

Archery Movie Set Gift Voucher
'NED Package' - Stand on set in exact same spot Jon Snow & Robb Stark taught young Bran the art of archery in Game of Thrones - dress up in character costume yourself and enjoy the thrill of firing live arrows...*Voucher valid for 2 years & recipient can use on any date of their choice*
£109.50 (for 2 people)

Film Location Cycle Tour Voucher
'Westeros Trail' - Jump aboard one of our 'Westeros Cruiser' bicycles and explore the 20 key Game of Thrones tour filming locations onsite *Voucher valid for 2 years & recipient can use on any date of their choice*
£38.50 (for 1 person)

Tyrion's Axe Throwing Experience
Step into the Winterfell Axe Throwing Range in full character costume holding your chosen axes made of the finest Valyrian steel. The Winterfell Master-at-Arms will have you slinging single headed and double headed axes like a true Shagga warrior in no time as you enjoy this private Game of Throws.
£99.50 (for 2 people)

'The Narrow Sea' Boat Voyage
Private charter of boat for up to 9 people including tour guide - Enjoy stunning views from the water of Winterfell Castle, Walder Freys Castle, Dreadfort Castle - all used in the epic filming of Game of Thrones...*Voucher valid for 2 years & recipient can use on any date of their choice*
£450 (for up to 9 people)
Glamping Overnight Gift Voucher
Has to be the most quirky Game of Thrones Christmas present available today! Bed down for the night in a glamping POD deep in the woods of ‘Winterfell’; E xplore the sprawling demesne and its many filming location hotspots; And recreate your very own Game of Thrones moments! Package also includes NED Archery Experience & the Westeros Film Locations Cycle Tour.
£250 (for 2 people)

Private Tour Gift Voucher
Private Tour 'Option 1' - Private and exclusive Game of Thrones tour. Your own personal guide will show you around the key filming locations at Winterfell Castle and across the sprawling demesne, sharing their stories about what happened on the actual filming days *Voucher valid for 2 years & recipient can use on any date of their choice*
£398 (for 2 people)

Film Location Cycle Tour & Direwolf Encounter Voucher
'Westeros Trail' - Jump aboard one of our 'Westeros Cruiser' bicycles and explore the 20 key Game of Thrones tour filming locations onsite and then Meet the REAL Direwolves from the show! *Voucher valid for 2 years & recipient can use on any date of their choice*
£222 (for 2 people)
Just 40 mins from Belfast & 2 hours from Dublin by road & 2.5 hours from London by road/air
PLEASE NOTE: Only customers pre-booked via this website will be permitted into Winterfell Castle & Demesne.