‘Castle‘ where Bran falls from window ledge
Climbing towards the ‘Broken Tower’ to feed the ravens Bran inadvertently finds Jamie Lannister and Queen Cersei in bed. Jamie offers Bran a hand to help him through the window but shoves him backwards where he falls to the ground 'The things I do for love' (S1,E1)
‘Archery Range’ in Winterfell Courtyard
Robb Stark and Jon Snow improve their brother Bran’s archery skills in the courtyard of Winterfell. Their sister Arya was always the better shot! ‘And which one of you was a marksman at 10, keep practicing Bran’ (S1,E1)
‘The Cottage’ aka Brothel of Winterfell
Jamie Lannister goes in search of his brother Tyrion who is otherwise engaged with Ros.‘Should I explain to you the meaning of a closed door brother’ (S1,E1)
Crypts entrance
When King Robert Baratheon arrives to Winterfell he and Ned descend into the Crypts of Winterfell to pay their respects to the dead. This is where Robert asks Ned to be Hand of The King. ‘Lord Eddard Stark, I would name you Hand of The King’ (S1,E1)
'The Castle Gates' from King Robert's arrival to Winterfell
King Robert Baratheon, accompanied by Queen Cersei, Tyrion, Joffrey and their Bannerman arrive to Winterfell and are greeted by Ned Stark and his entire family in the Winterfell Courtyard. (S1,E1)
‘The Barn’ where Tyrion slaps Joffrey!
Tyrion Lannister confronts Joffrey about not paying the proper respect to Ned and Catelyn Stark after hearing the news of Bran falling from The Tower. He chooses the moment to slap some sense into Joffrey as The Hound watches on. ‘One more word and I’ll slap you again’ (S1,E1)
‘The Byers’ AKA Winterfell Forge - Where Aryas 'The Needle' sword was forged
Before he travels north to join the Nights Watch Jon Snow has the Winterfell blacksmith Mikken forge a sword for Ayra which she calls 'The Needle'. ‘Stick ‘em with the pointy end’ (S1,E2)
‘Climbing Wall’ – Bran Stark
As King Robert and his entourage approach Winterfell from the Kings Road Bran scales the castle walls to get a better view of the party arriving. He is then told off by his mother Catelyn and made to promise not to climb the walls again (S1,E1)
'The Doorway' where Jon Snow meets Tyrion for 1st time
Jon Snow meets Tyrion Lannister in the courtyard of Winterfell before a party where they discuss Jon’s parentage ‘Never forget what you are, the rest of the world will not. Wear it like armour and it can never be used to hurt you’ (S1,E1)
‘The Stone Wall’ where Ned kills Direwolf 'Lady'
Direwolf 'Nymeria' is released/chased away by Arya to prevent her Direwolf from being killed after it attacked Joffrey Lannister. Queen Cersei orders 'Nymeria' to be put to death however as it has disappeared Sansa's Direwolf 'Lady' is killed in her place. 'The Wolf is of the North. She deserves better than a butcher' (Ned Stark)(S1,E2)
‘The Tree’ under which Robb & Talisa get married
Robb Starks marries Talisa even though he has a marriage contract with a daughter of Lord Frey. They share their vows secretly under a tree in a private ceremony before a Septon who binds their hands with ribbon. They then receipt the names of the Gods – Father, Smith, Warrior, Mother, Maiden, Crone, and Stranger. (S2,E10)
‘Shoreline Pathway’ Robb & Talissa walk along talking
After the battle of Whispering Wood, Robb and Talisa go for a walk and discuss Robb’s wedding contract with the daughter of Lord Frey. They are approached by a Stark Bannerman on horseback who informs them that Jamie Lannister, The Kingslayer, has escaped. ‘You think I’m fighting this war so they will sing songs about me, I want to go home’ (S2,E8)
‘The Shoreline Field’ & ‘Castle’ of Robbs Camp
As Robb Stark marches his army south from Winterfell to meet the Lannister force he makes camp a number of times. This site was used for a number of camps (S1 & S2)
‘The Castle’ which doubles as one of Walder Frey’s Twins
When Robb Stark and his army have the Twins of Lord Frey surrounded Theon Greyjoy shoots down several ravens with his bow & arrow sent out by Walder Frey thus allowing Catelyn time to negotiate an alliance. (S1,E9)
Jamie Lannister Cage at Robbs Camp
Robb Stark captures Jamie Lannister after the battle of Whispering Wood and keeps him in a wooden cage at each camp. He confronts Jamie about being Joffrey’s real father with the help of his Direwolf Grey Wind. (S2,E1)
‘Crooked Tree Branch’ overlooking Walder Frey’s Twins
The Young Wolf Robb and Catelyn Stark bargain with Lord Frey for safe passage via The Twins over the Green Fork of the River Trident. To ensure safe passage Catelyn promises her sons hand in marriage to one of Walder Frey’s daughters, a promise Robb later breaks. (S1,E9)
‘The Tree’ where Brienne confronts the Stark men
While on the run back to Kings Landing with Jamie Lannister, Briene of Tarth confronts 3 Stark Man who have just hung 3 Stark Ladies from a tree over the path for sleeping with Lannister Soldiers. She is forced to kill all 3 when they recognise Jamie Lannister the Kingslayer ‘Two quick deaths, one slow’ (S2,E10)
‘Pathway’ where Tyrion Walks, Talks & Whistles
After winning his trail by combat in The Eyrie, Tyrion Lannister and his champion Bron are walking through the vale on their way south. ‘And if the day ever comes when you are tempted to sell me out, remember this – whatever their price, Ill beat it. I like living’ (S1,E8)
‘The Field’ of Baelor Battlefield
Tyrion Lannister leads the Hill Tribes from the Vale of Arryn into battle alongside the Lannister army in exchange for gold and weapons, but he gets knocked to the ground in the rush and misses the whole battle. (S1,E9)
‘The Field’ of Lannister Camp
As a small part of the Stark Army marches through the night, the Lannsiters make camp and ready themselves for the battle of the Green Fork. The Stark Army is easily destroyed by the larger Lannister Army, however it was a diversion to allow Robb to capture Jamie Lannister. ‘He never moved, never smiled, never broke sweat, while thousands died below him’ (S1,E9).
Robb's Trail Start
Tywin's Trail Start
Just 40 mins from Belfast & 2 hours from Dublin by road & 2.5 hours from London by road/air
1. ‘Castle‘ where Bran falls from window ledge
2. ‘Archery Range’ in Winterfell Courtyard
3. ‘The Cottage’ aka Brothel of Winterfell
4. Crypts entrance
5. 'Castle Gates' from King Robert's arrival to Winterfell
6. ‘The Barn’ where Tyrion slaps Joffrey!
7. ‘The Byers’ from Winterfell Forge
8. ‘Climbing Wall’ – Bran Stark
9. 'The Doorway' where Jon Snow meets Tyrion for very 1st time
10. ‘The Stone Wall’ where Ned kills Direwolf Lady
11. ‘The Tree’ under which Robb & Talisa get married
12. ‘Shoreline Pathway’ Robb & Talisa walk along talking
13. ‘The Shoreline Field’ & ‘Castle’ of Robbs Camp
14. ‘The Castle’ which doubles as one of Walder Frey’s Twins
15. Jamie Lannister Cage at Robbs Camp
16. 'Crooked Tree Branch' overlooking Walder Frey’s Twins
17. 'The Tree' where Brienne confronts the Stark men
18. ‘Pathway’ where Tyrion Walks, Talks & Whistles with Bronn
19. ‘The Field’ of Baelor Battlefield
20. ‘The Field’ of Lannister Camp
Westeros Cycle Trail Start
Through the dark hedges are the waters of Strangford Lough - where Brienne of Tarth brought Jamie Lannister ashore in a rowing boat whilst taking him to Kings Landing captive & fittingly also where Saint Patrick first came ashore to Ireland in a rowing boat back in the 5th Century (the Vikings gave the lough the Norse name ‘Strangfyorthe’, meaning place of strong tidal currents or strong fjord).
Now is your chance to discover these epic Game of Thrones filming locations for yourself - walk in the footsteps of Tyrion Lannister and Jon Snow and recreate your own favourite scenes from the show!